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Now Some Serious Talk, About Money & the Olympics

I arrived in Hong Kong about 48 hours ago, to meet colleagues and pan-Asian promoters, courtesy of the British Council, and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.  It's already proving to be more than I could have hoped for with chances to work together in the future leaping out of the woodwork thanks to colleagues like Koo Tin Lung of Chung Ying Theatre and Grace Kwok, School Principal from the Tin Shui Wai district, and just about the most amazing woman in Asia.

 But that's not what I want to talk about right now.  Right now I want to talk about money.

We all know that China is hosting the 2008 Olympics, and then Britain is following suit in 2012.  We've just heard that the cost of Britain's turn has jumped from about £2.3 billion, to over £9 billion.  Where is the money going to come from?  Lottery good causes, including the Arts. 

How will this hit in Northern Ireland?  Particularly badly says our Arts Council who has just released a statement.  Arts funding was at an all time high in 1997-98 when it sat at £ 10.3 million spend for all of Northern Ireland.  Now 9 financial years later, the ACNI say that it sits at £ 7.2 million, never mind inflation and all that.  The estimate for 2011-2012, when the Olympics take place?  A drop to £5.1 million spend.  For ALL of Northern Ireland.

As I arrived at my hotel for the conference, a lovely little pack with welcome info was waiting for me.  It contained a leaflet detailing the Hong Kong SAR Government's commitment to the Arts, and their annual spend.  They allocate $ 2.4 billion HKD per year - you'll have to divide that by 15 of course to get British pounds, but it makes you think, doesn't it?  Pretty impressive.  And the Chinese Olympics are a lot closer than the British ones.

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