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A bit more rehearsal with Nuala

David Hull just phoned to say that they've negotiated with the Opera House for a large poster for Out of the Box right at the new entrance.  What a relief that we actually put in effort to get proper posters designed after all!  Although now that it is  really happening we'd better make sure the show is polished.  (momentary stage fright)  Nuala and I have just booked a bit more rehearsal on the Thursday and Friday before the Belfast opening.  The day after my mother arrives in Northern Ireland.  Always a good time to pick!  Nothing too intense (I saw the show in Cookstown and it was in good shape, and 14 months after the show opened, Nuala's still  nailing the comedy beautifully) but a little bit of a chance to revisit some of the physical moves together.  They're always the hardest to hold onto in a one person show.  No one else is there on-stage with you to keep you right.  I'm not sure people know what a natural Nuala is...  I'm not sure she knows herself.

I can see us spending a fair amount of our rehearsal time sitting down talking to the Oven Mitts and making sure they still have individual personalities.  The quality of their mouth movements when they talk has always been important for me.  And how they take disappointment.  I'm reaching for perfection: a Kermitesque collapse in the face of the cruel injustices of the Universe.  Does anyone remember how his nose used to wrinkle?  A Kermit nose wrinkle - something worth striving for.

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