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Cabaret Decadanse

I spent a few moments today hunting down the French Canadian adult puppet company Soma, whose Cabaret Decadanse is currently touring France and Spain.  I've approached them to see if they ever collaborate with other companies/director/devisers on projects, probably because I've fallen in love with "Conrad the Transvestite" in their current show.  Although the little sack with dancing duck feet and the two fluffy umbrella-weilding opera sopranos chorusing: "He drives a carmen ghia!  He wears pants of leather! In all weather ! He must be gay!" were fairly entrancing too.  Soma seem to draw on everything from the laundry to Bunraku, creating a world that ranges from the simple sock to complex almost life-sized puppets who dance, lip-sync and grope their way around the stage.  In the extract I saw, Conrad momentarily made use of the legs of one of the on-stage acting team as if they were his own, before grabbing and singing to one of his puppet masters.  Great stuff.  Check out the current tour, funky photots and video clips on: or go to Soma's own website - Googling Soma Puppets Quebec will do the trick.

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